Monday, 14 December 2009

Take Me To The Hospital and Vicarious:

We initially had a few ideas floating around which consisted of a man under a drug like state trapped in an empty black room. Essentially going mad, with additional shots of why he is behaving that way, and the public response to this 'outcast'. Therefore shots of him in public places receiving a not so welcoming reaction from civilians.

'The Prodigy' song worked really well for this idea, as the lyrics resonate well with the images that would have been on the screen. Also it is a very fast, upbeat song, and the editing would have to reflect this. So the video would contain quick, disjointed shots.

On the other hand we could have applied the same concept to the 'Tool' song, which was a slower affair, and hence feature calmer editing. This would have more focus on the man's downfall. Leading the audience to somewhat sympathise with the protagonist.

I was very unsure about this idea, I thought it would be difficult to think of different scenarios for the protagonist that would capture the viewer's attention and be interesting. Another problem was where we would find a suitable setting and actor? Furthermore it is similar to existing 'The Prodigy' videos. Therefore it would face comparison, and ultimately be scrutinized.

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