Thursday 11 February 2010

Filming - 10/02/10:

We went round to Jack Clegg's to film the small clip scenes for the various montages as well as the young boy segments. However we decided to get the young boy (ie Todd Cook)to mime the chorus. We set him up on Jack's bed and he sat there with a vulnerable look on his face. This is meant to be the result of what he had just scene. Which is of course a sexual act. Consequently he is shell shocked and confused. The character of the young boy is supposed to be the protagonist's younger self. Therefore we filmed Jack sitting in the exact same position, so we can flip between them during the chorus to show the progression, and how seeing the sexual act has affected him as both a youngster and his present self.

Todd and Jack don't look like each other as much as we hoped, but I think it is suggested through the positions that they are the same person. Additionally we did film scenes of Todd in the closet (implications to the plot's narrative) watching the sexual act. However it is unlikely that we stick with the original idea of this being projected on either a wall or television screen. We will include most probably include these scenes during the chorus itself, so it isn't just a boring miming section.

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