Tuesday 9 February 2010

Teacher Feedback 2:

Editing together our footage from 1st February proved reasonably successful; we had enough shots to make a satisfactory introduction. The introduction has come out exactly the way we intended. It features the strobe lighting, the quick editing, the sexually suggestive cuts, and it all flowed perfectly to the music.

Satisfied with the introduction we then edited a rough first verse together. On completion we decided to show Mrs McLuckie what we had done so far, to see if we were going in the right direction or if we will need to scrap it all completely and film everything again.

Evidently the introduction seemed to receive praise. However the same can't be said for the first verse. Criticism was that the shots were too static and monotonous. The consensus was that the introduction would catch the viewer's attention, but they would drift away before the end of the first verse. Additionally we decided to get a second opinion and show several of our peers, and it was unanimous that the introduction was fine, but the first verse needed a little tweaking.

It wasn't the end of the world we were on the right track, so we went back to final cut and made the first verse more interesting by adding in small montages in between various cuts to keep audiences hooked.

After we completed the first verse we looked at our footage for the chorus, and felt it wasn't good enough, it faced the same problem it was too static and boring. Furthermore we kept recycling the same montage clips. So it was obvious we had a lot more to film.

On the next filming trip we will need to film the verses again, the choruses, plenty of short random clips as well as sections of the storyboard we haven't even started to film. It sounds taxing yet possible.

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