Tuesday 9 February 2010

Website Conventions:

In the post 'Website inspiration' I looked at several sites that i felt had the same look we want to achieve with are website. Although each site differed in some aspects. They all followed some codes and convention which we will try to maintain in the production of our website.
Take Delphic's own website as an example:

Firstly they feature the bands logo in some form. This helps fans recognise that they are on the correct site. This is usually a large size and featured somewhere near the top of the page. In this case it is in the top left.

A homepage would feature links to other pages on the website, again these are likely to be located at the top of the page (In Delphic's case just below the logo). These usually are kept to a minimum (usually 4 or 5). Key links would include:
  • Home - Just a link back to the home page if you leave it.
  • About/ Bio - biography of the band.
  • Gigs - Gives information about upcoming gigs and festival appearances. This would include links to ticket websites.
  • Videos - will give access to music videos from the band as well as live clips.
  • Photos/Gallery - Images of the band. Can include photos from the studio, as well as live appearances.
  • Store - Gives fans the opportunity to perhaps purchase some of the band's music of even merchandise, such as; t shirts and posters.
  • Sign Up/Login - This is where fans can join mailing list or login as a member of the fan club.
  • Forum - Members can post comments and create subjects about the band in question and interact with other fans. This is becoming increasingly popular with the increase in pull media. Most notably social networking sites.

Furthermore the home page would have a main feature. This could either be a video, an image, a blog and in Delphic's case a newsfeed.

It seems as though most bands websites are minimalistic, and are not crammed with information, pictures or videos. They normally act as a promotional tool, and often the content changes, alongside a new single/album releases. The home page would be predominantly catered around that new single/album. This would be through the use of still advertisements, videos and links. The key is home page need to be simple, and eye catching, so fans are not swamped with information they don't want and can easily navigate their way around the website. These are all conventions which we hope will be included in the production of our own website.

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