Tuesday 9 February 2010

Shooting Schedule 2

Wednesday 10th February
After reviewing our footage from 01/02/10 there were some scenes that were more acceptable than others, and we found ourselves with a lot of small gaps where we would fit in small random clips. Although we need to film some of the party scenes again, most people couldn't make it, so we compiled a list of short random things that will fill the gaps.
  • A homosexual kiss
  • Lights being switched on.
  • A spinning coin.
  • Rolling of dice.
  • Jack Clegg looking into a mirror.
  • Washing hands.
  • Shower scene.
  • Crying.
  • Biting of lip.
  • Rolling/ Smoking a cigarette.
  • Drinking Milk.
  • Scrunching hair.
  • Key in a door.
  • Biting an apple.
  • Close up of eye opening.
All these may seem random, but in context they have hidden meanings and relevance to the narrative of our video. Furthermore we will be filming the scenes of the young boy (Todd Cook), which will be used for the choruses. We will have to plan a date in the half term or soon after for the remainder of the party scenes, as well as the stuff we have to re-shoot.

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