Saturday 27 February 2010

Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up:

Warning- The video contains nudity, sex and violence.

This is the controversial video to The Prodigy's Smack My Bitch Up, getting banned from various television stations including MTV the unedited version features drug abuse, hit and run incident, violence, nudity and sex. Despite the controversy it is considered by some to be one of the best music videos of all time, and I certainly agree. With a twist that will continue shock viewers forever. But ultimately it is the brilliant first person point of view camera work that makes it so brilliant.

This style of camera work which is maintain throughout the whole video, keeps the identity of the protagonist hidden, and it is only until the end when a woman is revealed in a mirror that the viewers finally realise the shocking truth. It is assumed up until that point that the protagonist is a male, with the laddish behaviour; drinking, taking drugs, being reckless and violent. The ending breaks stereotypes.

The problem with our video at the moment is that we haven't kept the identity of the person our protagonist secret, therefore we have lost the shocking homosexual ending that first attracted us all to the idea. When we re-shoot our video, it will be our aim to keep the identity of the secret partner (ie. Me) hidden at all costs. Whether this be via a series of point of view shots or other clever camera work. In addition it is the behaviour of the lead in Smack My Bitch Up that makes the ending all the more shocking, in our case I would have to act like a female to mirror the same sort of idea, and leave the audience thinking this is just an ordinary one night stand.

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