Tuesday 9 February 2010

Organising the Shoot:

Seeing as though our music video is set at a party we needed to invite people around Jack Clegg's house to make it more authentic. When a real party is being organised the standard procedure is to send a facebook invite, consequently we did the same thing. We invited 20 or so of our closest friends to come round on Monday 1st February. In this day and age most people have facebook page therefore it was the easiest most efficient way of inviting people and finding out if they can and cannot come.

We offered food and refreshments to entice people around and It proved relatively successful and we had about 15 people turn up which was sufficient for the majority of our party scenes. We needed to fill up Jack Clegg's living room with people. This was easily achieved, with more than necessary. However it means we created a believable party atmosphere.

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